Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Guilty Pleasure: PB and Bacon

A few weeks ago, we discussed "What's Your Guilty Food Pleasure?". There were the usual cream, peanut butter, fried food, cheesy food, and a tangy little mustard with pretzels. There were the unusual suspects...cherries, cannoli cream, and a Britney Spears cameo (thanks SeeAliEatSeeAliRun). And then there was this:

Cheese & peanut butter...together! as a sandwich! Take 2 slices of Kraft American Singles and fill the middle with Skippy Extra Chunky Peanut Butter.... and voila! A peanut butter & cheese sandwich!"- Erica

Ok, umm that's just sick Erica. But I must admit, I admire your enthusiasm and culinary bravado (as long as you keep the latter far away from me).

So now I bet you're dying to know what my Guilty Food Pleasure is. Oh,'re not? That's alright, because I'm going to tell you anyway. It's a Peanut Butter and Bacon Sandwich on Eggo Waffles. It was the fuel of my childhood, and still is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

Why? Sinfully rich, creamy peanut butter. Crisp, aromatic bacon. Freshly-toasted, buttery Eggos (hit me with the Homestyle). Even on their own, these foods are enough to make me weep. But when brought together, they have a synergistic effect that makes my life worth living. Get it girl!

Peanut Butter and Bacon Sandwich
2 frozen Eggo waffles
2 tb peanut butter
2 slices thick-cut bacon (more like 5)

Directions: (serves 1)
1. Fry up the bacon, toast the waffles, and brew a pot of coffee (you'll want to dip the sandwich in it, TRUST ME).

2. Assemble sandwich. Love your life.


  1. There is a bar in lower Manhattan that has PB & Bacon sandwiches on their late night menu.
    I've been known to have my way with a few of them.

  2. Thanks for the shout out Kel!...even though you did diss my amazing culinary masterpiece, haha did however inspire me to one day try your peanut butter & bacon sandwich...only if you make it for me! ;)
